UX design manager in healthcare

Hacakthon for Social Good
(September 24, 2014)
User Experience Designer

I participated in the 2014 Webvisions Hackathon for Social Good event in Chicago, IL. Myself and ten other individuals spent 7 hours working on a new website for the Special Days Camp, a Michigan non-profit organization that hosts camps for children and siblings of those diagnosed with cancer. The camp director requested for us to create it in Wordpress so they could easily manage it in the future.

I took on the role of design lead for the team and worked closely with our team's developer, several strategists and graphic designers. Due to time constraints, we were unable to implement many of the features we had envisioned. Instead, we gathered all of our team's recommendations into a slide deck and shared it at the end of the day presentation.

A few days after the event, we received word that the organization was very pleased with the test site and plans to move forward with it. 

View: http://specialdays.org (mobile-friendly!)