UX design manager in healthcare
One of five dynamic modules within the Kohl's Family Shopping Strategy.

One of five dynamic modules within the Kohl's Family Shopping Strategy.

Kohl's Family Shopping Strategy
(Summer 2015)
Customer Experience Designer

The Kohl's Family Shopping Strategy is a decision framework used by our team as well as our partners when developing solutions. It serves to help define the intended experience for our target customer/s and to provide clarity around the idea of family, family sharing and shopping together. 

The formation of this strategy was informed by:

  • primary and secondary market and competitive research
  • 19 stakeholder interviews
  • Online survey to 1,000 customers
  • Two online panels (via Cspace) of moms (n=108) and millenials, boomers and hispanics (n=119), research activities included:
    • Survey: Sharing & shopping background
    • Mobile ethnography
    • Video confessionals
    • Shopping diaries
    • Consumer journey worksheet
    • Survey: Shopping journey preferences
  • Co-design workshop with cross-functional partners


The following is a one-page secondary research summary I conducted, looking at family accounts across different industries. The goal was to draw out the various features that exist and look at how they relate to mental models of everyday family dynamics. 


As a result of all the initial data gathered, the five most common family shopping dynamics were summarized. These dynamics were used as a reference in the final co-design workshop. It helped to inspire user stories and from there, unique and even outrageous features!


The family shopping dynamics are essentially combinations of the shopping roles, shown here. The team went through numerous revisions before settling on these specific terms to define the different roles. We wanted to make sure that anyone presented with these shopping roles could instantly relate to them. Additionally, these roles are not mutually exclusive, so an individual can be assigned multiple roles.